This is the delicacy! My dad called it buah ki (very small crab). Come from dad hometown, Pontianak. Sounds like the ghost.. and yea it is. according to my dad they do have a lot there. and it used to be called Kuntilanak, which is a more scary version or name of the ghost and they change it to wat it is now. my aunty bring it from there. They sometimes sell it in jakarta, although rare. and usually quality is not good and their size is big. we like it small cos if its too big, eat liao disgusting ah. haha.so we usually get it from pontianak. small and smells good.my mum, which is from medan, hate the smell though.cos of her different bakground, she finds us disgusting eating this. she kept complaining when we are cleaning this. but my sisters love it. hehe.. ya ngak ya ngak? ngiler deh.. Shel,zy,ys, this is why i like the crab thing in thailand. hehe. delicious. oh. its raw btw. been salted to preserve it the same way as salted fish i think.

This is what it looks like after cleaning. So you remove the shell and gills. wash it with water. then you chop small chillies, squeeze lime and put vinegar. mix the whole thing thoroughly. so you are basically munching on the legs and pincers only. i prefer the legs tho. the pincers shell is abit thick. so its harder to bite.of course it taste hot and sour, but it has its special taste too. you should keep it in the vinegar for a longer time then it taste nicer. so you should prepare this sometime before you devour it. hehe. so when you munch it, the meat will flow out and you suck those and its shell. aft that, you throw away the shell. and keep doing tt..
This is supposedly poor man's food. cos they dont have money to buy food, they just needed smth salty. so they munch of this and eat with rice. The rich eat it because they are hooked. haha. my dad n me finish the whole thing in 3 dinners. slurpz...