the memoir
Monday, June 11, 2007 @ 11:39 PM
apologies for the lack of's been v busy after we've gotten a car...been goin out everyday so as to maximise the usage of the car since we will be here for a few more weeks only. so busy such that we didnt have time to do our laundry, go to another place for internet access and go to the recreational hall to play games after work.
having our 2 days off today and we have drove for like 12 hrs from yellowstone to south dakota to see the mount rushmore sculptures of the 4 presidents. we went to devil's tower (the one we learnt in geog in sec sch) on our way here too...will be going to the bear country tml morning. it's a wildlife drive-through where we can see wildlife such as wiolves and bears walking past us.
oh and results are out..and i've gotten only a 2nd lower class honours...but it's kinda within my expectations since i didnt work THAT hard during my 3 yrs in uni....but i guess i shld be contented. got to slp now..shall update next time. take care!!
Sunday, June 3, 2007 @ 10:18 AM
Been damn stressed these few days. so much problem, so little time.
Anyway, almost all things turned out to be quite ok and we got a car! its a 1991 chevrolet wagon. smth like tt. quite big, but hard to accelerate. stupid car. hard to climb hill. theres 6 of us sharing, and it cost USD1775. we are gonna sell it back to them again and hope we can fetch a good price.
its been a 3 days or so discussion with ppl. its a real headache. first we cant find enuff ppl to share the car. then suddenly got a lot of ppl wanna share. and we scared we cant get a big enuff car. so in the end there 6 of us. the car we bot is a 9 seater car. wow rite. good can let more ppl share. then we realise theres only 5 seat belts. damn. we asked the ranger and they say it means we can only carry 5 ppl. haiz.
and with so little time left on our hand, its hard to coordinate with other ppl. we got so many places to go.
we went to town BOZEMAN to get the car. we used our fren car to get there. its a 3 hr long drive there. but it was the most pleasant drive i ever driven. the road is long without too many cars and the view is spectacular. wah... damn nice! don;t think you;ll get that in singapore.
its our offday today, we'll be going to Lake village later i think...
getting a car is a hassle. 2 groups of our friends got legal probs with their car. one of them is cos they didnt register their car and the other one is because they didnt insure their car. so we learnt a lot from them and of course we got both.
initially, we wanted a cheaper car. after 4 long hrs of admisnistrative work and discussion, we drove the car away, only realising it got transmissin problem. it cannot go up to 3rd gear. it happened when we were test driving the car, but after topping some transmission fluid, it was ok. then it happened again. and so had to get another car. our car was originally 2400+ and we got it for bout 1800. i still find it quite expensive tho. cos of the acceleration. the only good thing bout the car is the seats and aircon....