Monday, April 30, 2007 @ 7:55 PM
Off to the AIRPORT!!!
@ 8:11 AM
today's truly a blessed day for me. never had i felt SO damn lucky before because i passed my driving test today! not because i was exceptionally good, but because i've got a rather easy test route and the traffic condition at both circuit and road was UBER good. like a few cars only...and most imptly, i had a VERY lenient tester. he was like so fatherly...guess he was the only kind tester around 'cause the rest of the testers are chinese and they looked damn stern and rigid. i guess i wld have flunked long ago if i've gotten the chinese testers.
so i have forgotten to put on my safety belt because i was so engrossed in pretending to adjust my rear mirror...such that i've gone through half of the ciruit without the belt till the tester's reminder. and the tester was kind enough to remind me on things like 'move off after that car move' or 'dont turn 1st' or 'signal and keep left' etc. see, where to find such a good tester! and he cld easily fail me because i've kinda exceeded the stopline by abit. PLUS, i forgot to check my blindspot during merging lane and there was actually a car on my right.
and i really went all the way out to pass on my 1st attempt..i did superstitious things like throwing in a gold coin under the mat and wearing a mini skirt based on the hearsays. haha! i mean seriously, it was quite unbelievable that i actually passed on my first attempt and i believe many pple agree to that too! (pple like miss ah jin esp, yor, lynn, meows and including myself!). and that's only 3 words that can describe my feelings now, overwhelmingly relieved+happy. and it's really heartening to receive so many well-wishes and good luck msgs from so many pple before my test. :)
anyway, had a ktv session with pei's been so long since we went ktv....and it was very SHIOK. sang my lungs out today. it was followed by a farewell dinner with the girls. i'm going to miss all the people here in singapore (esp my girls and family and bed and laptop) :( till then, girls!
@ 12:57 AM

and yesterday I suddenly realised I forgot my PIN number for my card. Goodness. Visited the bank so many times with ZY and I didn't think of it.
Enjoyed myself these few days. Especially after the exams. Went out to eat after exams and eating ice-cream. Wah nice. Thanks for the travel journal. So cute and think it's gonna be useful. ^_^
I;m leaving with 2 bags. one is very big.. but seems like everything is pretty full.. always worried how i;m going to come back if i going to buy stuff there.. winter clothing really took up a lot of space.. hm...
Saturday, April 28, 2007 @ 6:59 PM
2 more days leaving...
Percentage packed: 0.1%... die...
somebody packed 85% liao... stress me only... i totally have no mood for exam... reading my notes but seems like it cant get inside my head.. and i think i have a bit loss of apetite ever since this morning.. smth that i would usually have before going abroad..
smth interesting i noticed from my mother... she can play games damn good.. i;m amazed.. haha.. i can't even do it.. anyone played 'cosmic stacker'? its a simple concept game similar to brick game, bubble shooter, things like that.. she finished the whole game! goodness.. she can play fast with lots of combos... keep getting 'great'-s and 'incredible'-s haha..
and i enjoyed the meet up w shelby too.. so long we nv sit down and talk.. see ya again on tue yah!
Friday, April 27, 2007 @ 7:24 AM
it feels real good to be spending the whole day at home, without any exams or impending work to worry about. the past few mths (since CNY) had been CRAZY! juggling between the final yr project, 2 core projects, job-hunting, mugging for my psychology paper in the midst of the 1 mth temp job+cocoa trees over the weekends+driving lessons. speaking of job-hunting, i guess it's one of the most, if not, most terrible cross-roads for many graduates-to-be. it's a point where most of us are worried abt not being able to get a desirable job or unsure of what one actually intend to pursue upon graduation. cant wait for this job-hunting shit to end soon!

ok enough abt work stuff...the ever-nice bee suggested a farewell coffee yesterday night. havent seen her for sooooo long! but i was half-dead ytd parce que je suis malade!! never had such a painful sorethroat before such that even drinking water is like killing me. and i'm losing my voice...and it's all because i was gorging myself with digestive biscuits, the seemingly innocently-healthy biscuits.
anyway, finally got down to my packing...spent 2.5hrs on it and i'm 85% done. and at the end of the packing, my luggage is BURSTING. i'm leaving with 3 bags...and i can foresee myself coming back with at least 5 bags. 4 more days! i'm definitely gonna miss my laptop and comfy bed man.
oh by the way, i'm contemplating (again!) to put on braces. it has been an on-off issue for some time alrdy that was ignited by my mum's casual remark. so i went for the braces consultation and was told most prob i would have to extract 4 (GOODNESS!) teeth. and of coz not to mention the high costs and 2yrs of pain. should I?????
Wednesday, April 25, 2007 @ 6:23 AM
5 more days to yellowstone.
2 more papers to go for my exams!
Haven't pack my luggage.
The thought of packing luggage tired already.
Suddenly feel that i'll miss home when i'm there there.
I'm so touched that my family coming over to send me off. Hm... usually i don't really feel the care that they give me but now i do.. not saying they don't care about me usually... =P
Glad that we know of some people that have the flights with us up to Yellowstone. So total, there'll be 5 of us. We still don't knowhow they look like but we'll know very soon!
Hm... think i better get back to study..
Monday, April 23, 2007 @ 6:59 AM
got an interesting link from jin, where she drew a reeaaalllyyy ugly pic of me! so now, it's my REVENGE TIME! muahahaa ;p

presenting to cousin during sec sch days! i still rem how her black pen leaked and left a big stain on her white chung cheng skirt (that explains the red drips on her cute-raisins shirt). And not forgetting her trade-mark "drop-specs" image but too bad i cant find a gold-framed specs and the hands cant be moved to hold onto the specs. (private joke!) ;p but jin, i'm nt so mean, i still gave you your pearl necklace which u used to like, your brown hair, your fav colour--green background and nicely-trimmed eyebrows albeit the yellow teeth (oops!)
@ 6:50 AM
and this is how i look! :)
@ 6:47 AM
Joking lah Jin! dont flare your nostrils ok! this is the YOU now! my twin ;) gone were the stains and specs (and hopefully the yellow teeth!). i've even given you a halo and wings since we're once a saint, always a saint ( haha so cheesy! but i still miss the jc days!)
Sunday, April 8, 2007 @ 7:50 AM
in just 3 weeks' time, we'll be off to the rural yellowstone. cant really believe that it's THAT soon. but dont feel the excitement yet, or rather, i'm more worried i wld say.
the first night will be spent in san francisco airport with yor and we are planning to take a bus to the golden gate bridge (that will be around 9+pm since we will probably arrive at 7pm local time). and i'm really feeling quite insecure abt that coz it's quite dangerous for 2 girls to travel alone in a foreign land, whatsmore our first night there! plus, they've got guns (i'm v kiasi one ;p)
then the 2nd night will be spent in bozeman..and apparently we've booked our accomodation online from a reliable source before finally arriving at our employer's on the 3rd day of arrival. the 1st 2 days seem very uncertain to me. ;(
anyway, it's totally irrelevant but i'm gonna blog abt it anyway. went out with the cocoa trees fellow part timers and bitched abt the full timers like nobody's business. very shiok! the culture there is TOTALLY screwed! and by the way, chongqing steamboat is really not very nice...the tom yum is diluted with few variety of food..i still prefer the joaqium's steamboat..
and and, i'm finally done with all the projects and reports! tue's last lesson marked the end of my 17 yrs of education life. now i'm only left with 1 last paper and then it'll be convo! i've always wondered how will it be like to plant the last full stop on my last paper.